Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sungai Sedim

On Oct 3rd Morning, Nelson, Tsien and I decided to head to Sungai Sedim to photograph wild-birds. It has been more than a month that we last  visited the area. With the start of the migratory birds season, we hope to get some species of flycatchers.

I managed to get 3 species of photo lifers and 1 lifer, photo lifers were Verditer Flycatcher, Brown Fulvetta and Banded Broadbill. I was not able to get a clear shot of the Yellow-rumped Flycatcher. I am delighted also to get some improvement shots of the Scarlet Rump Trogon.

Verditer Flycatcher

Brown Fulvetta

The Banded Broadbill perched high up on a tree.

The Scarlet Rump Trogon perched low.

While waiting for other birds to appear, I came across this unique insect.


Portraits of my friends:

Thanks for viewing !

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