Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sungai Sedim Outing

During the Boxing Day weekend, we are delighted to have a group of fellow Singaporean bird photographers came up north to visit Penang. This morning Tsien and I organized an outing to the Sungai Sedim Recreation Park to photograph the low-land forest birds.
Waiting for the Scarlet-rumped Trogon to appear

The Scarlet-rumped Trogon was quite cooperative this morning. A pair responded to our call by perching at a clear perch.
Canon 7D with EF 800 F5.6 IS
ISO 800 1/125 F8

Green Broadbill

Maroon Woodpecker

Rufous Woodpecker (My Photo-Lifer  of the day)

Juv Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker (My Photo-Lifer  of the day)

Hairy-becked Bulbul (My Photo-Lifer  of the day)

We finished the photography session at noon and started to unpack the gear. 

Posting for group photo

Thanks for viewing.