Monday, January 11, 2010

Chestnut-winged Babbler (My photo Lifer)

Last Sunday morning, I encountered this rare species of Chestnut-winged Babbler (CWB) at Sungai Sedim lowland forest. The voice of  (call) CWB is really sweet and sounds like a melody song.  It was an exciting moment to photo-taking this super active bird. It likes to perch behind dense forest vegetation, thus causing difficulty in focusing on the subject. Furthermore the dimmed sunlight under the forest shade prevented me to use a higher shutter speed, I ended up erasing many of the photos due to motion blur.
I shot the CWB with the 7D and EF 800 IS. I set the ISO at 1250, although I can use a higher ISO but I wanted to preserve the feather details thus I only limited it at 1250 level.

Chestnut-winged Babbler
Canon 7D EF 800 IS
ISO 1250 F5.6 Aperture Priority
580 EXII with Quantum Battery Pack

You may visit my pbase gallery (CWB gallery) for the additional photos.

Thanks for viewing, your comments are welcome.