Monday, July 5, 2010

Sights and Sounds of Ulu Paip

July 4 2010, This morning I decided to visit the Ulu Paip Recreation Park. This is a low land forest with a waterfall and fresh water stream running through it. It is an ideal habitat for the Blue Banded Kingfisher and Chestnut-naped Forktail. The park is a popular place for picnickers. In order to avoid the picnickers, I decided to explore the park before the picnickers arrived.  

Hiking along the stream

The Blue Banded Kingfisher and Chestnut-naped Fork-tail are 2 very shy birds. One the first occasions, as my partner and I hiked along the trail parallel with the stream.  I heard the thin shrill whistle of "dir-tee, dir-tee, dir-tee" voice. My partner Tsien quickly pointed toward the river direction, I saw the subject flying across the river headed toward the dense forest. It disappeared into the dense forest. That was the only sighting for the entire morning. The same thing happened on the Blue Banded Kingfisher. As we were approaching some bamboo trees (30 meter away), my partner and I saw a blue color bird took off and fly away toward the dense forest. It was a frustrated outing. We ended up empty handed with zero photos of the subjects.

Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker (Better than nothing !!)

A chick of the Scarlet-Backed Flowerpecker that just fled the nest being feed by the parents

Besides birds, there were frogs and lizard. 

I concluded my writing today by featuring a shot video footage of my outing titled "Sights and Sounds of Ulu Paip"

Thanks for viewing.


  1. Hello,Kiah!your photos are very fantastic!!!

  2. Hi Pensionasuka,

    Thanks for your compliments.

  3. Hi Kiah,

    Great pictures and video shots. That Fairy Pitta is magnificantly clear and sharp.


  4. Hi Coppersmith,

    Thanks for your feedback.
    That is a Blue-winged Pitta.
