Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bulbul Galore

August 14 2010, It was a Bulbul galore at Sungai Sedim lowland forest this morning. I managed to photographed 7 species of Bulbul from a fruiting tree at the main car park. Out of the 7 species, 4 species are lifers. In addition, I also managed to get 2 others lifers, there were the Raffles Malkoha (both male and female) and the Little Spiderhunter.

Canon 1 D mkIV, EF 800 IS

Finsch's Bulbul

Hairy-backed Bulbul (Lifer)

Cream-vented Bulbul (lifer)

Spectacled Bulbul (lifer)
It looks very similar to Red-eyes Bulbul but it has an orangey eyering.

Red-eyed Bulbul

Grey-bellied Bulbul

Yellow-bellied Bulbul (lifer)

Thanks for viewing.


  1. Lots of great shots here!
    I especially like the Yellow-bellied Bulbul.

  2. Hi Bob and Unravel,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Hi madibirder,

    Not from the same tree but from close proximity of the fruiting tree. All 9 species including the one I got from Sunday outing.
