Friday, October 8, 2010

Little Spiderhunter

Little Spiderhunter, Sungai Sedim Kedah.
1 D MarkIV EF 800 IS
ISO 2000 1/50 F5.6 Without Flash

October 8 2010. Wild bananas flowers are everywhere at Sungai Sedim lowland forest. This morning I saw many wild bananas trees were blooming with flowers. The Little Spiderhunters were busy feeding on the nectar. I pre-focus on the bananas flower and waited for the subjects to stop by the flowers.

Thanks for reading.


  1. how did you get away with the "noise"? Don't tell me 1 D MarkIV does not produce any noise at ISO2000, hmmm, I am very curious.


  2. Hi Yen,

    Provided you did not under-exposed the photo, the photo should be use-able up to ISO 2500 for mark IV.

  3. Hi Chien and Silva,

    Thanks for your compliment.
