Friday, November 5, 2010

Captured The Moment

November 5 2010. Have you ever tried shooting a sequential shot of the spontaneous actions of a bird ? You will be amazed when you play the sequential shots on your screen. 
Here is a sequential shot of 10 frames capturing the fast actions of a  Little Heron hunting for its prey (a prawn). The photos were captured using the Canon Eos 1 D mk IV and EF 800 IS lens.

Tips for shooting fast action sequential shots:

1) Use a higher ISO to achieve a faster shutter speed of 1/800 and above.
2) Pre-focus on the head of the subject.
3) Try to use the highest frame rate setting so that you would not miss out capturing the actions of the subject. (ideally a minimum of above 5 frames per second)
4) Stabilize your gears with a tripod or bean-bag. 

Waiting patiently for the prey at the river-bank
Focusing and using its long bill to strike on the target
Got it !  a prawn.
Why water birds like to swing its head after catching its prey from the river ?
To shake off the moisture from its head ? or trying to kill the prey before eating it ?
Swing, swing, swing !!!

Swallow it !
Burp !!!
Thanks for reading. Your comments are welcomed.

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